Sunday 11 August 2013


Apa berubah itu perlu?
Apa berubah itu harus?
Apa kita semua harus berubah?
"aku benci kata berubah" -someone
"aku pengen ada yang berubah di hidupku" -the other
so tell me, what's changed?
real life taught me to change
but fangirl life ask me to not change
So, what's changed? and what should we change?

Thursday 8 August 2013

Happy Eid Mubarak 1434 H

Minal aidzin wal faidzin ya semuaaa, minta maaf kalo aku punya salah, maafin kalo ada kata-kata di blog ini yang nggak bikin ga enak di hati maafin yaa:')
Ok this is the first time i take a lot of photos on Eid day, about 700 photos hehehe. But here my fav photos, i take all of this from my dad's family and mom's family. Aku ga pernah ngerasain mudik, semua keluarga ngumpul di satu desa huuhu;_; tapi enak juga sih gausah capek capek, paling ngesot juga sampe hehe. let's gooo~

With sistaaaaa (but not siblings)

Sepupu yang udah punya keluarga wkwk

Mama Ayah<3

Tante sama sepupu

gara-gara aku

gara-gara aku

Brotheeer (But not siblings hehe)

My mom's family

Uti sama saudara-saudaranya hehe

my mom and her cousin

Angry bird macaroons :9


Thank you see ya next post and Happy Eid Mubarak everybodeeeeh!!

Class's Front Camera

Wanna post some photos with my new classmate, yes i've told about my new class in my new school on previous post. Everyday we take photos, aku ga bohong, ya setiap hari:-) check this out!


Our 1st day in RIP class, yeah too fast to familiar:') ily RIP!
Iya tau kita narsis, banget:-) Eh iya mau minta maaf sama Rara yang hapenya kita penuhin sama foto-foto (tapi kamu ikutan juga kan beb hehehe), Rizky sang ketua kelas yang tak berdosa tapi tabnya kita buat foto-foto (tapi udah kita hapus kok riz tenang aja). Buat X-PPB maafin aku sama Nindy yang ga pernah sehari aja ga foto-foto:') Foto itu kenangan, semakin banyak foto yang kita ciptakan maka semakin banyak juga kenangan yang kita buat. asiiiik~
See yaaa~

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Acceleration in peace ✌


Hoooho finally can post something after a long busy time since i’m a senior high school student now hahaha. Saila sekarang udah jadi anak SMA loh, still can’t accept the reality that i’m an odult now, (odult not adult, so i’m like sehun of exo, ok out of topic) Bukan, masih belum dewasa, maksudnya lebih dewasa, nyoba buat ngilangin sifat childish pas SMP dulu hehehe.

Mungkin udah 2 mingguan masuk di kelas baru, RIP (Acceleration In Peace, aku tau ga nyambung sama singkatannya) 25 students 2 years 4 AC full of carpet full of smart-briliant-genius students (my friends, not me I swear I'm afraid of their brilliance) . 
Yep 2 tahun, finally yeah finally yang selama ini diimpi-impikan, yang selama ini jadi beban cause one sentence “masuk kelas aksel ya, banggain mama sama ayah” i got it dude, aku masuk kelas aksel, just need 2 years to finish my study in senior high school, just need 2 years to graduated from a bloody hell named school hahaha.

Waktu diumumin pas hari keempat MOS, hari kamis tgl kemaren, like a heartattack (ok i remember about exo’s song again ) when the teacher mention “saila dhiyaul haq” i’m cry, mama anakmu masuk kelas aksel mamaaaaaaa T,T 
Dan satu lagi yg bikin baca alhamdulillah berkali-kali, rara sama ipeh masuk juga! I cried over their hug. Finally we’re classmates again, in a hmmm special class i think. So i’ll pass 5 years together with rara and ipeh i love you guys, let’s fighting together huh’-‘)9

"Bakal ada yang hilang di masa-masa SMAmu” sempet denger kata-kata kaya gitu yg bikin down beberapa hari. Ok i know my one years in senior high school will be lost, yg gatau harusnya terisi sama kenangan apa. Hmmm ya this is my destiny. 
But someone said “terus kalo nggak hilang emang mau diapain?” nuvi you’re the best, really. Iya bener bangeeeet, terus kalo nggak hilang mau diapain? Toh 2 tahun atau 3 tahun juga akhirnya bakal jadi kenangan,  apa salahnya kalo ngisi 2 tahun ini sama hal-hal yg dilakuin anak SMA pada umumnya terus besok kalo udah gede bisa bilang “aku dulu SMA cuman 2 tahun, tapi aku nggak ngerasa kehilangan masa SMAku sama sekali” ok i don’t care what people said, i’ve my own way.

BUT I CAN’T ACCEPT THE FACT: LESS FANGIRLING T,T DON’T TELL ME THAT I MUST HIATUS FROM MY ACC EXOMNIAA! DON’T TELL ME THAT I WOULD MISS A LOT OF TIME TO HAVE A CHAT WITH MY FANGIRL FRIENDS HUUUHU;_; I KENNOT. Maybe i’ll pass this 2 years with fangirling or just watch kpop video while hold a mathematic book ok no problem, no problem. Exo is my moodbooster. But rara said “bete nih, ngerjain soal mat dulu aja” not “bete nih, liat video exo aja deh” rara told me that mathematic question more cool than exo :-) 

Hmmm baru kali ini ya ngepost yg tulisannya banyak gini, semacam curhat hehe kan post post sebelumnya isinya lebih banyak gambar dari pada tulisan, tapi kali ini biarin mau lebih banyak tulisannya biar puas (?) 
Oh iya mungkin abis lebaran ini aku bakal pindah...............aku jadi anak kos aaaaaa akhirnya yg selama ini dibayangin tiap hari betapa serunya jadi anak kos wkwk. Emang sih banyak yg bilang jadi anak kos itu ga enak, tapi aku pengen ya gimana dong hehe. Lagian kan ga mungkin tiap hari pulang pergi rumah sekolah sejam, baru ngebayangin aja udah capek :’)

Huwaaa akhirnya lega udah bikin post yg isinya curhatan terpendam selama ini hahaha. 
Thank’s for reading, i know read all of this is boring, i think look my previous post that just contain a lot of pict is more interesting than this, but yaa i want said a lot of sentence too kkk~

See ya next post i love you~ peace ✌

Monday 29 July 2013

Transformer94's farewell party

After 3 years we've been through together, since May 2th 2010 for the first time we met in a classroom, finally on July 13th ago we held a farewell party in Qendi resto.